Friday, May 2, 2008

american reccession = world deppression

Well there was a famous european saying that if france caught cold entire europe
sneezed ......
It meant that the french were the most influencial of
all europe's nation and dictated the terms before 18th'
after the two world wars the two big super powers the US
and the USSR influenced the world events greatly and
literally divided the world into two...
now in the 21st century when the USSR is no more
the US has come to take up the mantle of the only
Superpower and how!
well for starters its well known that US follows a very
sinister foreign policy which was evident from its un-
necessary role in Vietnam and Afghanistan wars
the latter hurting it bad with taliban turning against
its own supporter and 9/11 really brought the
notion to rest that America was invincible
and also paved way for military action on Afghan-
istan and Iraq.......
well to think that its just retaliation which US
is giving its enemies is supplements by these logics
Aghanistan - produces high quality Opium which
finds its way around the world...
Iraq - one of the leading Oil producers in the world
and latest target being Iran which the US accuses of
following rogue nuclear programme......
Iran's role is that it has significant  clout in both
Iraq and Afghanistan s shia community which the
US obviously is against...
The huge war expenses running into trillion dollars
the US economy took a fall like its twin towers
and now faces reccession in growth due to
sub-prime crisis the mortgage value  of the property
falling and govt falling short of reserve funds
has seriously impacted the economy the world over
Although the countries seem confident to face this challenge
it may take more than just fast growth to overcome this problem
its upto the US to be a responsible superpower and lead the
world to a better and secure future.


Sarkywoman said...

I disagree. The US is no longer a super power. Their failure in Afghanistan and Iraq shows that. They have practically turned the whole World against them with their absurd foreign policy. . . (you're not with us/ur against us and crap).

It's no longer up to the US to lead the World anywhere. Their time is up.It's now up to the rest of the World to realize that we're over dependent on the US and stop looking to big brother for approval or follow in their footsteps.

We must chart our own path. We can grow faster and become better nations without following the US. The US is NOT an Ideal Country. We can set our own Ideals. We MUST.

vikramaditya said...

US is a super power but not a
world leader...
i never said it was this involves only the use of economic resouces
which the US is misusing...
power it has but as you said lacks
Ideals...and with more power comes even more responsibility.

Sarkywoman said...

US is in a decline. It's days of being a Super Power are coming to an end.